Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ANSMACH.ZIP | Yes | 196344 | 5/9/1995 | Answering Machine is a Delphi project which demonstrates how to develop telephony applications using Voice Information Systems TIF DLL for Dialogic compatible hardware. (Consulting By Knight) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CALNDAR.ZIP | Yes | 118709 | 5/18/1995 | Calendar Utility contains Delphi source code and a sample executable of a simple calendar utility. (Jim Bandy) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
COMPS.ZIP | Yes | 11956 | 5/18/1995 | VCL Components is a collection of VCL components. (Eddie Churchill) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CTDELPHI.ZIP | Yes | 419775 | 5/9/1995 | Component Toolbox for Delphi 2.0 is a collection of 24 general purpose VBX controls. (Craig Gluck) (Reg.Fee: $90) |
DBF_EX01.ZIP | Yes | 21321 | 5/18/1995 | DBF/MDX Example shows some of the functions that are available when dealing with DBF/MDX files with Delphi. (Denis Sarrazin) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DBLOCATE.ZIP | Yes | 37845 | 4/20/1995 | dbLocate Search Engine is a VCL component for Delphi that provides capabilities similar to the Paradox Locate/Locate Next dialog box. (Datacraft, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
DELPHRES.ZIP | Yes | 225023 | 4/11/1995 | Delphres is a resource editor for Delphi. (John Howe) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DIRVCL.ZIP | Yes | 21148 | 5/18/1995 | Directory VCL is a component that allows you to collect names of file(s) from a directory and its sub-directories. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DKDEMO.ZIP | Yes | 314326 | 4/27/1995 | Mobius DrawKit is a demo of a drawing program that shows off the capabilities of a programming toolkit. (Mike Scott) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DN0315.ZIP | Yes | 47085 | 3/27/1995 | The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users #1 is a newsletter for Delphi users in a WIN31 Help file. (Robert Vivrette) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRIVED.ZIP | Yes | 10384 | 5/9/1995 | Drived contains Delphi source code for a Unit that allows detection of drive types, retrieval of disk serial numbers and netshare names, etc. (Peter Below) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GFORMS.ZIP | Yes | 9981 | 4/26/1995 | Delphi Gourmet FormSaver Component 1.01 allows your application to start with its windows in the exact location the user last left them. (Scott Samet) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
GLYPHTRY.ZIP | Yes | 115851 | 3/29/1995 | GlyphTry displays the Glyphs supplied by Borland in the Delphi package. (John Braga) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GODELPHI.ZIP | Yes | 135015 | 5/10/1995 | GODelphi will automatically iconize Program Manager when you start Delphi. (Randy Christiansen) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HLPCLOUD.ZIP | Yes | 188637 | 5/18/1995 | VisualPROS Help Cloud Component 1.0 allows you to add balloon help to your Delphi applications. (Glenn A. Field) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
INSTALL2.ZIP | Yes | 207762 | 5/10/1995 | TInstall Component 1.2 provides generic installation services for applications written in Delphi. (B. White) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
KCDEMO.ZIP | Yes | 277974 | 5/18/1995 | KingCalendar Demo is an interactive demo of a set of Visual Component Library classes that add powerful calendaring capabilities to Delphi. (AppVision Software) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
KEYBOARD.ZIP | Yes | 11391 | 4/11/1995 | KeyBoard Graphics contains PCX images of the tops of keys. (CompuUtilize Services) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
LCSIPPT.ZIP | Yes | 56361 | 4/11/1995 | TIPPort WINSOCK Component assists in creating Delphi-based network programs. (Lenham Computer Services Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
MESHBOX.ZIP | Yes | 154405 | 5/16/1995 | The MeshedPaintBox 1.0 is a Delphi component which allows you to add fully-configurable meshes to PaintBox. (Jacaranda Designs) (Reg.Fee: $25 AUS) |
MULTI.ZIP | Yes | 189408 | 4/11/1995 | Multi-line Grid Fix is a Delphi project that overcomes the problem when the DBGrid control does not wrap text when the contents of a text cell are too long to be fully displayed. (Robert L. White) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MWPLAY.ZIP | Yes | 274765 | 3/30/1995 | Delphi MIDI and WAV Player is a simple music and sound player produced with Delphi. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
OBJHELP.ZIP | Yes | 86665 | 5/18/1995 | The Delphi VCS Component Essential Reference is a Windows Help file that provides simple, clear looks at the different classes in Delphi, and the members of each one. (Kenneth Jamieson) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
ORPHTR.ZIP | Yes | 289888 | 4/11/1995 | Orpheus Trial Run is a demo with full-function native VCL components for Delphi that works only while Delphi itself is also running. (TurboPower Software) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
OXBUT.ZIP | Yes | 85366 | 5/18/1995 | oxButton for Delphi 1.0c provides a 3D Command, Toggle and Repeat button for Borland's Delphi. (Brett Liddicoet) (Reg.Fee: $19) |
OXDKB.ZIP | Yes | 48922 | 5/18/1995 | oxDocBar for Delphi 1.0c provides a user-configured dockable floating ToolBar for Borland's Delphi. (Brett Liddicoet) (Reg.Fee: $19) |
PROGBAR.ZIP | Yes | 178849 | 5/18/1995 | Progbar contains a TV Progress Bar class with source code. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PTRPDEMO.ZIP | Yes | 459332 | 4/11/1995 | PASTERP Demo contains a demo of a unique script language for Delphi. (Ron Loewy) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SAVER.ZIP | Yes | 28601 | 3/29/1995 | Ssave is a multi module Delphi screen saver with source code. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SLEEPER.ZIP | Yes | 3713 | 4/12/1995 | Sleeper is a simple component that you can use to easily implement delays in Delphi. (Steve Schafer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TBLINFO.ZIP | Yes | 23212 | 5/19/1995 | TblInfo Component is a multi-page dialog for Delphi that shows detailed table information like field names, types sizes, indexes, index types, etc. (Scott Hanrahan) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TPROFILE.ZIP | Yes | 16355 | 3/17/1995 | TProfile is a component for Borland Delphi to simplify the task of working with .INI files. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TTT.ZIP | Yes | 95145 | 5/16/1995 | Touch Typing Tutor offers three different modes of operation. (David P. Gray) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
UKEYD1.ZIP | Yes | 167682 | 5/16/1995 | TUniKey is a Delphi component for managing unique keys in a multi-user database environment. (Demosphere International, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
VBDLL.ZIP | Yes | 129306 | 4/19/1995 | VBDll includes source code for a VB-specific DLL showing how to use Delphi forms, pass (both directions) various Visual Basic strings (regular, null-terminated, and fixed length), and arrays to a Delphi DLL. (Jack Rasnick) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WAVSHOW.ZIP | Yes | 8794 | 4/19/1995 | WavShow contains Delphi source code for a simple 8-bit WAV sound file player. (Pete Cervasio) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINMAC.ZIP | Yes | 153192 | 4/20/1995 | WinMacro 3.1 enables you to execute up to three programs in asynchronous mode. (AutoStar Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $37) |